WATER SUPPLY AND SEWERAGE CONNECTION CHARGES(As Per M.D's Procs.No.24/E1/97/2003 dt.30-1-2003)
CATEGORY-III:Bulk Supplies vide Memo.No.MD/HMWSSB/BM-20/Bulk Supplies/2011,Dated:12.09.2011.
- The size of water supply connection will be decided by the HMWSSB based on the available network and local requirement.
- The improvement charges will be levied whereever required.
- In addition to the above,charges for Green Bridge,Rain Water Harvesting Consultancy,60 Days Caution deposit and Source improvement charges shall be levied as per board norms.
- The applicants having STPs and recycling the water in their premises and the premises falling outside GHMC area,exemption of 80% sewerage connection charges will be decided by the MD/HMWSSB on case to case basis depending on merits.
- Subject to special arrangements entered into by the HMWSSB in respect of special consumers as per the Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply&Sewerage Regulations,1992.